Meet Alex Nocerino | New York Personal Injury Lawyer

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I’m Alex Nocerino. I’m a partner and trial attorney at Chopra Nocerino, and we founded the firm back in 2010. Why did I start my own law firm? It was actually always what I really wanted to do. Samir and I both worked for different personal injury firms in Manhattan. And we always talked about it, you know, as young associates. I know, let’s do our own thing. Let’s start our own firm. Samir had brought in a big case to the firm that he was working for, and the partner tried it and took a big verdict on it, and he just called me one day, and he’s like, I quit. So it was a tough decision, but I quit also. And we rented space, and the rest is history. What aspect of my work am I most passionate about? I guess for me, it all is on a case by case basis. Sometimes you have clients that you just feel this connection with, and you just feel their pain and you feel what they’re going through, and it just gives you that driving force that you’ll just do anything. You’re going to figure it out. You’re going to file that extra motion, you’re going to take that extra deposition, and you go to court just thinking about your conversations with these clients. You’re going to fight like a maniac and that’s what really is my driving force when I have a connection with the client. And I just. I know that this accident forever changed the landscape of their life. It makes me want to work ten times harder.

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